Real Estate Registration

Earl’s Real Estate Home Warranty Registration

If you would like to purchase a home warranty as part of a residential real estate sales process, please use the form below. Please note that a copy of the home inspection may be requested to determine if a covered item was working at the time the warranty was purchased. If no home inspection was performed during the sale, a waiting period may be required after closing.

Register - Real Estate: Lubbock Home Warranty
Is this a Mobile or Manufactured Home?

We're Sorry!

Earl's Home Warranty does not cover manufactured or mobile homes at this time. Thank you for your interest.

Will this property be used as an Airbnb, Vrbo, or other type of short term rental accommodation?

We're Sorry!

Earl's Home Warranty does not cover any form for short term rental or "hotel" style accommodations, including but not limited to, listings on Airbnb and Vrbo.

Have You Had a Recent Home Inspection?
If no Real Estate Inspection was performed during the sale, a waiting period may be required after closing. Please contact Kristi Holt for more information at 806-319-6138. The home inspection may be requested to determine if a covered item was working at the time the warranty was purchased. As a reminder, Earl's Home Warranty Plans do not cover known or unknown pre-existing conditions.

Realtor Information

Homeowner Information

I would like to purchase...
Would the Homeowner Like Any Additional Coverage?
A Digital Copy of the EHW Welcome Packet will be e-mailed to the Owner at the provided e-mail address. A Physical Copy can be sent if requested. Please specify in comments below.